Forums - need help playing Silver samurai Show all 28 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- need help playing Silver samurai ( Posted by Smiley on 05:20:2001 05:29 AM: need help playing Silver samurai yeah, i want to start playing silver samurai, cause he kicks ass... especially when you choose him with the assist 1 button. and his nija star super chips major damage... hmm... i'm thinking spiral, SS and servbot... crazy chipping THC's. heheh Posted by Mr. SmArTy on 05:20:2001 05:32 AM: I suggest spiral, silver samurai, and AAA. This team would be battery, user, and assist. Basically use silver samurai as a assist killer with lightning storm and try to trap em in the corner for major chip. Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 05:20:2001 05:37 AM: Silver Sam is an awsome character to learn, I use S.S.,Morrigan,T.bonne. For some major damage, Silver Sam is really hard to play with I suggest building alot of meter for him, then go into his ice mode and chip the hell out them. I takes off major damage off them. Posted by Smiley on 05:20:2001 05:51 AM: thx guys. but what's the diff with all the element changes? i know the different supers and that ice makes you take less damage and fire makes you deal more, but i heard somewhere that his ice super does a lot of chip, is that rite? or am i missing something? Posted by Dynamyte2U on 05:20:2001 05:52 AM: Silver Samurai fights best at mid-range. He's a chipping machine with his Shurikens (air), and Triple-Shurikens. He also does a shitload of damage with his Lightning Strike super. First, get a battery to build up a lot of super meter for him. Second, get a good AAA to protect him at short-range, as well as set him up for his Lightning Strike. Also, make sure you punish his assists with Lightning Strike too. His basic strategy is to stay in mid-range with the opponent as much as possible; don't move too close but don't stray too far. Whip air-Shurikens at the opponent to chip. Also, use Triple-Shurikens as a chipping super as well. Your opponent will be forced to move in close in order to attack. Use your AAA to repel his attack. If the AAA hits, follow up with a Lightning Strike. There's not much to it. Also, don't use his element-powerups. They're more of a liability than a bonus. His ice power-up is useful in the late game, when you're trying to close out the match, but otherwise, they are useless. I recommend Blackheart/Silver Samurai/Cyclops. Start off with Blackheart. Blackheart serves two purposes; he's used to build meter for himself/SS, and he's used to deal some damage. Basically, he's an offensive-battery. Use Cyclops-beta to set up Inferno xx HoD, or to set up his infinite combo. Otherwise, just trap with his Demons. If you max out on supers and Blackheart is still in good shape, chip with Inferno xx HoD. If Blackheart is damaged, do an Inferno xx HoD dhc Triple-Shuriken to get SS in. Silver Samurai is the main source of offense in this team. From then on, just chip with Shurikens until you have an opening. Use BH-beta if the opponent gets too far away, and use Cyke-beta if he gets too close. It's a simple strategy, and it's easy to do too. Posted by Iceman on 05:20:2001 06:17 AM: Samurai/Doom is very good for the chipping. Posted by The Orochi on 05:20:2001 07:26 AM: SS with CapCom AA. Come in with a ducking LP while calling out CapCom, then a ducking FP to his lighting special takes a lot of damage off of them. Also the second they call out there partner assist, use that special on them, it takes a lot of damage off there partner with a low reaction time. Do that to them a couple of times to there partner and they'll start to get the message to not call there assist out a lot which makes it easier for SS. Posted by CharDLiciouse on 05:20:2001 09:47 AM: use doom anti air and just eat away with block damage. throw many of ninja star Posted by silenttiger on 05:20:2001 03:01 PM: Search on all my posts regarding SS. Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 05:20:2001 03:32 PM: hey can u do his shiruken super in air? cuz i can connect the regualr ones but can u connect the super? Posted by ViPeRsTaR 069 on 05:20:2001 03:34 PM: also how do you do his infinite? is it jus fp cuz i'v tried dat n it doesn't work he keeps hittin under. do u hold down once then press fp? Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:20:2001 07:25 PM: i use him w/ IM and doom this team equals mega chipping...use ss lighting super because it has no recovery and it does ashit load of out doom trhow a star then do the supper star one and it does so much chipping...learn the infinite w/ both doom and WM and then ull have a kickass team...use aaa for doom and WM and use projectile type for ss...this teamm is doep...dont bother w/ his other sword supers cuz SS is a meter whore...start of w/ WM at point and do the Infinite to buld meter get SS in and chip em to death... Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:20:2001 07:27 PM: oh yeah...have good star control w/ ss for manuvering capabilities...ive been able to beat good top tier teams w/ this... Posted by Smiley on 05:20:2001 08:51 PM: thx ppl. but how do use the ice element super effectively? Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 05:20:2001 08:58 PM: To use his Ice capabilites just charge times 3, then use his ice super once there frozen use T.bonne's 3rd assist then go into fire mode do a simple air combo and kill them. Just fool around there are many strats with his ice super just keep fooling around with it. Posted by Smiley on 05:21:2001 04:10 AM: i heard his ice super chips a lot, but it doesn't seem like it. Posted by jlepore on 05:21:2001 04:36 AM: Why must you bother learning to play Silver Sam when you can play a better swordsman in Strider and actually be able to trap. Posted by Smiley on 05:21:2001 05:16 AM: well, SS kicks ass, that's why. and strider isn't as fun to play as SS is. everyone traps with strider, but besides that, what else does he have? he's a pixie with a teleport and the ouroborus. but SS kicks ass, sounds funny, and looks funky in black, so HAH Posted by jlepore on 05:21:2001 05:20 AM: he does look funky i'll give ya that Posted by Smiley on 05:21:2001 05:29 AM: heh. but he does have some good points... doing 80 plus hits with one lightning attack when they have an assist put is freaking hilarious. Posted by TexMex on 05:22:2001 04:36 AM: Interested in learning how to play SS but having one problem while just thinking of a team for him in theory (Haven't gotten to try out yet cause friend borrowing DC). But yeah, people are saying to play major chip game w/ SS so a lot of you are saying to pick doom for a partner. But also people are saying to have a good battery b/c SS uses up meters like a crack hoe. So problem I'm seeing is having tomiss out on an AAA which you will greatly need. I mean you could do CyC/SS/Doom but you would have to start cyc in order to bring in SS w/ some meter. Or maybe Storm/SS/Doom but missing effecient AAA (I guess you could use storm Y, but wouldn't be that good unless you could find way to trap). Any ideas/suggestions? Posted by Smiley on 05:22:2001 01:52 PM: how bout IM, SS and psylocke? Posted by TexMex on 05:22:2001 03:23 PM: IM is a good battery and can chip pretty well too, but psy's AAA isn't good enough IMO nowadays when you face lots of runaway storm and high soarin dooms. I'm thinking of trying something along the lines of BH/SS/Doom. Hopefully get DC back today to start trying stuff out. Posted by silenttiger on 05:22:2001 03:49 PM: Iron Man's AAA sets up nicely for Silver Samurai's Flame and Lightning Supers. Psylocke/SS/Iron Man would not be a bad team. I'd drop BH for Mangeto. One of the teams that I used to play is Mag/Doom/SS. Luanc, AC, Hyper Grav/Tempest, Rocket Super, Lightning Super--is way cool. I'd probably opt for Doom's Photon array assist so that the THC is nicer...that's just me. I've got several threads on SS. Search the archives, if you have more specific questions, just let me know. Also see Cybermitsu's posts. The SS infinite works in the corner it's a fp canceld into a crouch;repeat. The whole trick is timing. Posted by Smiley on 05:22:2001 05:36 PM: how much chip does the ice super do? Posted by silenttiger on 05:22:2001 06:38 PM: If you activate Icemod 3x's you should be able to take out a character with about 1/4 life left. There may be exceptions. I used it toda on Gambit, I think. It's nice to ice up 3x's then combo for a while and then hit them with the ice super when they least expect it. I've been able to build enough meter up doing these to execute the super a couple of times instead of just one. Posted by TexMex on 05:23:2001 04:30 AM: Ok, I finally got my DC back today and SS uses up TONS of meter. Wow a chitload! Hmmmm, I'm really need good meter builder for him. I'll experiment a little. What are some of his best or most used combos? Just looking for general strat and stuff. Might actually give him a chance. Posted by silenttiger on 05:23:2001 12:35 PM: I usually play him with Cyc. Cyc is one of the better meter builders in the game. His AAA sets up Ramei Ken pretty well too. In lightning mode: launch wp, wp, wk, wk, xx hyper shuriken (in air) You may be able to get a regular shuriken in before the hyper shuriken, but I can't remember. Ramei Ken works better in normal mode than in lightning mode. A combo for normal mode is, wp, wp, xx slashing move (moving forward) xx to Ramei Ken. A capture assist would be good to have with Silver Samurai on point. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:29 AM. 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